I don't know why but there seems to be alot of broken relationships just this month. There left to be a number of broken hearts. And one of them happens to be my good fren. I barely see her wonderful smile anymore, the smile which is just so cute together with the dimple on her cheek. It really hurts me to see u suffering all alone. And its hurtful too to see u torturing urself. I understand ur heart is bleeding still. Gosh, if only I knew the way to stop ur bleeding. I tried to find ways to help u but I still don't know how. Im so sorry Im such a useless fren. I almost wanted to cry when I saw sadness in ur face just now in school but I did control my tears. I know ur pain is killing u but I hope u will stay strong. I'll pray to God everyday for ur well-being and hope that He would protect u . I know I'm not by ur side always. I'm not in the same class with u anymore. Still, i want to remind u that I will never 4get u and just take note that I'll try my best to be there for u when u need a listening ear or a help.That's what friends are for right? I really hope u would concentrate on ur studies now. I think u deserve a better life in the future. So please do study ok. I know it's hard to forget ur past but let's cherish the present and the future.

Btw,gonna watch the horror movie 'Alone' this coming Sunday! Cant wait to see my friends. And to one of my fren, Im sorry if I'm not treating u good these past few days. I apologise to that.... :(
The weekend is finally here!! Tomorrow im gonna watch Transformers! Really cant wait to watch this highly-awaited movie!Heard the reviews are great! And besides that, I already have the tix for Harry Potter & The Order of The Phoenix!Am watching it on 18th July!This is another movie that I've been waiting for sooo patiently and now it's coming out on theatres real damn soon! Just look at the poster! It looks superb!!

Ok so i'm not in the good mood currently. Haiz. Sometimes it is really depressing that u r still what u r and no matter what u do, ur still unhappy about it. Yeaps, im talking about my body. Since my ''healthy'' diet last year, I've lost as much as 17 kg! I should be happy by now since I've lose quite a tumble in my weight & waist size. From waist size 46 to, 38, Im a little satisfied with it. Still, insecurity and low-self esteem gets the better of me. I just couldn't stand my body! It's really gruelling to see an ugly figure of mine in the mirror. Everything u wear, u look ugly on it. and people just look at u discriminating, with their eyes wide open like as if they are shocked to see, 'wow..thats one fat pig in town!' Ok it is not that bad the scenario but it really pissed me off man.
I am trying my best to continue losing weight now.Trying all ways but now its getting harder and tougher to shed those kilos as compared to last year!! I dont know why!! URGH! Its fucking frustrating man! There's alot of cool shirts and pants in stores and imagine for 18 years, all u could do is to SEE what people could wear possibly anything in stores while only u can get only some clothes!!When will that day happen to me when i can possibly just buy any clothes i desire without a burden of finding my size!!
30/06/07 (Saturday)
It was a good day yet it was an unpleasant day too!!! ok so initially, me,my cousin Nley, my sis & her hubby went to JB yest in the afternoon. They wanted to bring me to Aeon Tebrau City sumwer further JB. Aeon City is really really one beautiful shopping centre! for the fact that it is located sumwer near JB, i am taken aback by its huge scenic building. Well in case u wana imagine how does it looks like, i could say that its as big as our very own Vivocity and plus,even the building shape and designs are almost the same!!haha!like as if the building design which seems like a replica's of Vivo city isnt enough, the shops there are almost similar too!! u cn see Levi's store...then u'll pass Topman...then there's Calvin Kleins & etc. similar isnt it??
Ok upon reaching to Aeon, we 1st went to grab a bite for lunch. We went to this western restaurant. The food was fantastic! I ate shepherd chicken chop and it's totally superb!! Then after that,we went for window-shopping. Nothing much to buy there except food food food since the shops there, their stuffs are kinda costly too since they're branded goods. Nley treated me marshmallows coated with choclate and also grapes coated with chocolates..er and also banana coated with ya, chocolate!!HAHA. something new to try and its nice. Plus, it is a healthier way of eating chocolate too! The hours there seems to be alot of fun and excitement. B4 leaving Aeon, my sis & Annie wanted to go to JUSCO, the big supermarket there to buy some daily expenses. After that, we went to Dunkin Donuts!! Haha i got 2 donuts! One is a donut filled with sugar and when u eat it, choc fudges just oozez out!!YUMMY!and another 1 is Swiss milk choc donut which tastes so-so la. The rest are for the others of coz!Here is the pic of the delicious sinful donuts!!

Ok after that, i went to buy food again! ya!LOL. i bought chocolate kimo and its just super nice la!! gosh it was heaven man! so we were all tengah happy-happy la walking towards the carpark...only to realise that my bro-in-law's car was forced open!!! ok the car's door key in front was damaged! Yeaps..someone entered my bro's car!!!!!!! Fortunately, nothing was lost and we're thankful we didnt leave behind any valuable stuffs. and at least those fucking bastards didnt steal the car sekali! if not mampus sia us...haiz. so the fun stops there. everyone was angry and sad. what's more, it'll still cost alot to repair on that minor damage still. few hundred bucks burn just like that thanks to those inconsiderate malaysian bastards. but i know why we were the victim. probably some m'sian bastards can see that our car is frm s'pore so they think bydamaging the car, they could escape with that easily!! wadeva it is, its over la and now i hope evrthings fine. We reached back to s'pore at night ard 9pm.
All of sudden at home, i felt the urge to watch movie so i asked the rest if they wana watch a midnight show and yay they agreed!!haha. best part going with them is i dun even have to come out a single cent! well thanks to my sis and her hubby,and my cousin too for treating me alot of stuffs ya! insyallah wen i have a job i will repay u guys! So we watched Die Hard 4! actually nak tgk transformers but it was fully booked. damn! and andreas and co. dpt tgk sey!! so regarding die hard 4, its a really great action-pack movie!!!! i like it alot!! well got maggie q pe!!! she's bloody hot! so i guess thats it for the day. went back home at 2 am.haha. oh u shud see how danish sleeps. very cute...like me! LOL