I don't know why but it seems like we're falling apart. I don't even know how to begin with all the problems that has caused in the house. I thought that everything is going smoothly when all of the sudden, the fight and hatred came again. I never really posted about my family problems here. And in fact I've never really told anyone my friends about the problems I had but now, it seems like the situation is getting worse and I can't take it anymore!!! How many tears I shed despite trying my best to be strong as a young man. But its just so painful to see your own sis fighting shouting with your own mum. It almost seems like they are enemies now.
I love you both so much and I can't stand when you both are fighting. And I feel soo sooo useless that I can't help with the matter. That feels even worse. It's like I really hate myself for being a good-for-nothing brother/son. But all I wanted was just us to be ok but it seems like you both are expecting so much. I thought our family was the perfect family anyone could find but seems like it is not anymore. I don't know when this fight and hatred is gonna end but seriously I had enough! There were times I actually feel like running away from home but I know I won't coz I love you both so much than anything else in the world!!
zyk ( Best Friend)
Somehow I got the feeling that we're not as close as before. But maybe I'm just being paranoid. Like you said, you were busy with school and family. But yeah, I just wana say that I miss you alot and there are so much things I wanted to tell you and in need of a listeng ear but you weren't there but I understand your situation too la. well ur still my best friend ok. I'm just telling this again coz I want the whole world to know that I had a wonderful best fren! Haha. And as usual, sorry if I've always been irritating or sarcastic to you.
Wan ( Good friend)
The friend that I'm always with now. So I guess I feel like the friendship is better now la. Coz I do know that we had some issues with each other few months back. Ur blog on what you said, remember? Haha. I am trying my best to please you as a friend coz I can see that you are still irritated with me by my way of talking or how I always broke my promise(eg. bangun lambat when supposed to meet you). But that's just me. LOL. And thanks for being the listening ear for thiese past few days la.
Herda ( friend cum personal motivator)
Even though we're not close with each other but despite being just a normal fren, you still care for me can see that. You always try your best to help your friends and I really appreciate the fact that you're guiding me in terms of life or studies. Your words made sense and it really helped me. I once feel like I wanted to quit school coz all I wanted was to enjoy life but this young lady helped me to realise that studies comes first la and think about my future. The minute she get her 'O' level results and that she get to go Poly, all I knew is that I wanted to focus on my studies. I know that people,friends like to call you names like stupid la..bimbo la but to look back at Surfers, your one of the few to actually go to Poly! Haha. So its a good example lor. People also call me stupid always so I can prove them that I can be smart too I guess. Haha.
And FYI, i still wana quit ITE if can. HAHA. What I meant is to focus on my private 'O'.
P.S And of coz I love my other friends too Shikin, Hasif, Andreas and many many more!
Today I was supposed to buy myself some new clothes and pants but ended up buying nothing. Well I am still unsure of what to buy ah. This is what happens when an oversized person is looking for new clothes and pants because we have to choose properly what outfit suit us or we might look horrendous. Stress!!!!
Btw, I'm going to City Alive street party this Saturday at City Hall with my friends and yes, my cousin!! Yay. Been a long time since I went out with her so hopefully it will be a fun night out!
And just to make sure my blog don't look boring, I have some random pictures below!!
Me wearing cap feeling hip hop! Haha. It's rare to see me with a cap ya know!

Wan & Eeka's 'shiok sendiri' pictures. HAHA
Last Saturday went to Funkamania Dance competition with wan and zyk which was held at NUS, to support Andreas in Fantastic Remix and Mael in Pink Dollars. So both crews did get to go to the finals well simply because they really did a fantastic job in the stage. Good luck to Andreas and Mael for the finals. Hope u guys will do even better for the finals!
So after Funkamania, me and wan accompanied zyk to Boat Quay to meet her friends. So yeah, zyk brought us to Sahara. Then me and wan went off by 11.30 pm. Thanks for the treat zyk!! Nothing much to say but yeah had a fun time. Pictures are below!!

Us with crazy/stupid shots!!
So this lucky thing happened to me like just now only. I was on my way home from school when I decided to go to this bakery shop nearby my house because I usually go to the place whenever I need to grab a bite as they sell really nice buns and breads such as hotdog buns, tuna rolls & sandwiches. So when I reached the shop, I chose this fish flake bun with chicken ham which costs $1.40. And actually I decided to buy more than 1 bun but I only had $2 left so I could only afford to buy 1. So I proceed to the cashier where the lady cashier was busy packing some fruitcakes for this certain customer who was a makcik and was standing just beside me.
All of the sudden, the makcik asked me whether the buns here are nice. And I told her that the buns here are really nice and that I am a frequent customer here. Then she looked at my tray which had only 1 bun and she said, ' Is one bun really enough for you'? ( while laughing). Maybe because by the look of my body, she knew one piece of a small bun is way not enough for me! Trueness.haha. But of coz I lied and said that it is enough for me. Then, she actually offered me to buy another bun as she will pay it for me. I refuse to take her offer since me and her are complete strangers but no matter how much I refuse, she still insist me to take another bun. So in the end, I did take this sausage and cheese bun which costs $1.30. While I was taking the bun, the makcik was paying for her fruitcakes. When I went back to the cashier, I passed her my $2 to pay for my fish flakes bun but then she refuse to take the money and instead, she passed me $10 and asked me to pay both of my buns using the money! And in fact, she asked me to keep the balance money. Before I could return the change to her, she already went off.
So basically, a stranger just passed me $10. Well I am really thankful to this makcik. What a kind heart she had. haha. Unbelievable yet true. And yeah, I enjoyed eating those buns!!
1stly, I would like to congratulate my friends Herda, Zahrin etc for passing their 'O' levels, and yes, they get to enter to Poly. I am really happy for them. And how I wish I was like them, studying really hard almost every day. I know it is too late but I am taking private 'O' this year. Well I know I'm stupid coz I should have taken it last year but well maybe I wasn't matured enough to think and I am regretful now that I chose to go for Higher Nitec instead of retaking 'O' last year. And now I totally can't make it for my course in Higher Nitec. The course is killing me!! I tried my best to persevere and study but I just can't!! I guess I just have to hold on but it seems like I am confirm taking private 'O'. It may be a long road for me but at least there is still hope for me to reach the destination, right?
It's 2009!! Well I can't believe 2008 would be a super fast year for me. 2008 is probably the best year for me. Had really alot of fun with all my friends. And not forgetting to mention, I had a great time on countdown with my friends too. I am really happy I was together with all my closest friends. I love you guys alot!! And of coz, I love my family too!
So what is expected of me on 2009 is that I shall be more hardworking, be serious in school and try to lose weight too. Also, balancing my time with friends and family. I am really hoping to be a better guy now.