Thursday, February 26, 2009
Just what is happening to me??!! I've been eating alot lately. Fuck my big appetite! And seriously, I can't fit some of my clothes & pants already! That's bad, I know. Trying my best to control my food intake but it seems really hard. Get upset or stress easily nowadays. So I tend to eat more whenever I feel sad or stress. But when I am happy, I must eat alot too!!! LOL. I know, it's scary to be me!
I remember back in few years, I only drink plain/mineral water on weekdays. Weekends are for me to indulge in soft/sweet drinks. Then I would actually cut raw vegetables etc. cucumbers to eat for lunch or that is what I would bring to school during break. I avoid oily foods on weekdays too except weekend. And I would squeeze time just to exercise at the gym or do some workouts at my room, or jog at the nearby park. You can ask my witness, zyk. Haha she knows that very well. Everytime she would call me at night, I would be panting while talking to her coz I was busy exercising. Hahaha.
NOW, looks like I eat fried foods almost everyday. And despite having alot of free time, I still don't use the time to exercise! And I dread eating vegetables/fruits now. Haha. Bad bad. Back in those days, I lose 20 kilos in a matter of half a year. Now, it seems even hard to lose a kilo!!!!!
I want my size to be at least like 3 years ago( pictures below ). Still fat, but still better than now!! That was the period my size was the smallest I ever had.

WHAT HAPPEN???????????????
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mum has been nagging that I should help the family out with the stall. Yeah I think I should start helping my family and do something good since I am so free nowadays.
Anyway, went to my lovely friend's wedding on Sunday. I hope your marriage life will last long! I am really happy for you!
And I still don't know why but I feel like we weren't as close as before. I know you tried your best to please me but I just don't feel it. And trust me, I don't care anymore. Don't ask me why I'm like this. Perhaps I've grown up to actually not be bothered by teenage friendships etc. Of course your still my good friend but just not the same as before. Your just not that important as how you used to be, that's all.
But of course, I do still treasure friends who still look out for me most of the times. I'm not that heartless, but maybe just a little bit. But don't blame me. We live but in a cruel world. Haha.
Friday, February 20, 2009
My life couldn't be any worse!! I'm trying my best to hold on and be strong! Thanks to my friends to be specific, wan, Shikin, Hasif, Herda & Andreas for being there and trying to help me with my problems. Much appreciated. It really made me feel much better with the concern and help.
Today, as in later I'm gonna have a small picnic with my group of friends. Just gonna have fun and try to forget my problems!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
2 days straight lepak-ing with wan ONLY. Yep. I don't know where's the rest of friends. It looks like they're busy with their own life; spending time with their other friends, or are just busy doing their own stuffs. It don't bother me anymore. And maybe it's not a bad thing after all. I told wan that this would be the period I should spend time at home often to take a rest and have a long break of everything before I have to fully concentrate on my studies in which I really have to! And perhaps, I should start spending more time with my family.
And as for wan, I told him that he could be at home to study hard for his upcoming big exam which is on March.
And seriously, I do not know what's with certain friends nowadays. I came across a friend's blog and this is what he/she said, '' friends, when you need them the most they're not there''. Trueness.
Sometimes I wonder, I've always tried my best or at least the best I could to please my friends, but will they be doing the same for me? Would they even care? And if I would sacrifice myself for them, would they go to the extent to do that for me too?? Would they even bother? From the looks of it, I aint feeling that somehow.
Or perhaps, am I expecting too much from friends?
And of coz, I made mistakes too. To my friend, I'm sorry for neglecting you at times. I know you know but maybe you are used to it so you don't speak out. I was probably quite choosy over friends. But I know I am not appreciating the friendship. But now do I realise sometimes the ones that you are neglecting are the ones who really cares about the friendship. This friend of mine is none other than Andreas. :D
Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm super super fucking bored at home! And life seems even more boring than ever! It seems hard to even contact friends to chill since everyone seems to go their own way now.
I don't know what's happening to me but I get pissed off easily and everyone seems to get on my nerves now! Need anger management NOW!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentines' Day
Well I thought the day would be fun but it turns out to be super fucked up! Well the reason is me myself la. Well I was not in the good mood at all yesterday.
Before meeting my friends to celebrate Valentine's, I was at my relative's house for some birthday celebrations. And before that in the afternoon had to do alot of stuffs. So everything was rushing and hectic. Felt pissed off la. And then the weather was fucking hot and humid!! I hate that! I perspire profusely and it can be every irritating uh. And then at last me and my friends end up not knowing where to go to chill and boredom gets the best of me. So I didnt went back with Wan & co. Went home earlier. Sorry but my body just feels uncomfortable and I was moody that's why the rush to go back home asap.
So upon reaching home, I went straight to the bathroom and bathed with cold water!! Like finally! Best!! And for the 1st time after few months, I actually switched on the air-con in my room! Felt really relaxing and I slept right away! Haha.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I always tried my best to help them friends and solve their problems but this time it looks like it's not working. I don't know what is the real problem too actually. Things just happened. All I know it was just a very big misunderstanding. And no one wants to give in. Or even tried to correct it. Their friendship is drifting apart. I want them to be like the old times where everyone's happy with a big group. I guess I better leave it to fate and let nature takes it's course. We'll see.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Went out with zyk and Shikin. Went to Orchard. Was supposed to meet wan and the rest at Zouk but end up we went seperate ways because we need to find something at Orchard. Had fun and laughters. Miss both gals alot. It's been quite some time since we last went out together. But of coz it was incomplete coz usually there would be me, Wan, zyk & Shikin, 4 of us going out together. Next time maybe aite?
Pictures below. Well girls are usually camwhores so most of the pictures are just zyk with Shikin. And as for me, you readers should know by now that I dislike taking photos. Haha.

Friday, February 06, 2009
I'm just not in a good mood these past few days. Too much things that are bothering me. Studies, money, family, friends and more.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
I am so gonna be busy this month!! And have to save alot of cash too! Reasons why? Below are the plans :
February may still be the starting of the year, but there are so much things going around for me thats for sure!! Haha. But I'm looking forward to everything. But what matters is, can I save enough cash for all events? That's a question I can't answer!!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
City Alive was superb! I danced like crazy with my friends and dancers. The night was really great. Too much to say about the night but I am seriously lazy to type. So overall, I had fun!